Which Party is Dying?

A recent missive by someone who claimed to be a former Republican stated that the Republican Party has abandoned its’ principles because it has become the party of Donald Trump.  The writer claimed to identify the Republican principles of her youth as the true principles of the Republican Party and that President Trump has abandoned and/or perverted them.  With all due respect, her knowledge and understanding of historic Republican principles is flawed. This writer would argue that the political party that has abandoned its’ core principles is the current Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party was founded by Andrew Jackson. The second great influence was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Both Presidents believed in God, patriotism, and American excellence.  That contrasts sharply with the current crop of Democrat candidates for President who support infanticide, the destruction of American sovereignty through open borders, crippling tax policies, denial of Christian values regarding marriage and families, government control of the economy resulting in the destruction of American prosperity and freedom, tribalism, identity politics, racial animosity, government control of everyone’s health care, and falsified concerns about the role of America upon the planet’s environment. And let us not forget the desire to destroy any semblance of ‘due process’, fairness, and adherence to the U.S. Constitution in the recent impeachment of Donald Trump fiasco.

There is one consistency in the current Democrat party. The Democrat party has always appealed to the baser instincts of man.  Whether it was defense of slavery, segregation, FDR’s socialism, or the current policies of envy and greed that demand people be given ‘free stuff’ such as health care, college education and electricity, Democrats have always advocated that “you work, we eat.” (apologies to Dinesh D’Souza) Such beliefs will not “Keep America Great.” American greatness is based upon the Christian teachings of liberty, free will, equality under the law (not equality of condition), private property and the sanctity of human life. And current Democrat proposals will destroy all that makes America great and restore the medievalism of centuries past. 

The Founders put great faith in the inherent wisdom of the people.  In creating a government that recognized the sovereignty of the people, they placed their faith in a system that was designed to elevate the discourse and appeal to the “better angels of our nature.” Republicans, since Abraham Lincoln, have supported freedom (Republicans ended slavery), private property, and an economy designed to allow everyone to pursue happiness.  President Donald Trump has promoted those ideals and our nation today is enjoying unprecedented prosperity, peace and security.  So, I ask the reader, which party is dying? The party of despair, envy, greed, depression and anger?  Or the party of prosperity, freedom, optimism and security?

- John Fuller