

John Fuller




John Fuller


Endorsements 〰️ John Fuller 〰️ Endorsements 〰️ John Fuller 〰️

Proud to publicly endorse John Fuller

Americans for Prosperity Announces First Wave of Primary Endorsements for Montana State Legislature, including John Fuller >> More

Veterans endorse John Fuller because of his EXPERIENCE, time served in the Military, and success in a political office.

John has a proven track record as a legislator sponsoring and co-sponsoring bills in Helena while defending the liberties and values of Flathead residents. In his elected position currently, he has taken the voice of the people here in Kalispell to the Capital to be heard. John would continue to support the needs of Kalispell as your District 4 Senator.

John stands for parental rights and involvement in our children's education and resists the efforts to isolate parents from the process by certain factions of government. John has a solid record on constitutional carry, voting "NO" on vaccine passports, and defending women's sports.

John Fuller is the ONLY candidate with proven legislation and legislative experience.

John is an active member in the community, he can often be seen at Church, the local rodeo, holiday parades, civic events, and even the occasional watering hole.

I am honored to present you with the National Federation of Independent Business Guardian of Small Business Award. This is a nationally recognized award reserved for those legislators and congressional representatives who vote consistently with small business on key issues identified by our small business members. All Montana recipients had a 100% voting record with NFIB during the 2022 legislative session.

We appreciate your work on issues that are vital to the survival of Montana main street businesses. This award is intended to thank you for your hard work and honor those legislators who small business owners can count on in Helena.

Thank you for your publc service to the state of Montana.

Sincerely, Ronda Wiggers

NRA members in Montana State Senate District 4 endorse John Fuller for the 2022 Montana General Election 


The following Republican candidates are willing to represent western Montana and flathead county

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